Example Usage

Every cart has a unique ID associated with it. For the examples following we used a uuid generated by standard Linux utilities.



The REST API is available for users of the system and is in general a method based endpoint with JSON objects for data.

Create a Cart

Post a file to create a new cart.

Contents of file (foo.json).

id = the id being used on the Archive

path = internal structure of bundle for file placement

hashtype = hashlib hashtype used to generate hashsum

hashsum = the hash (hex value) of the file using the hashtype listed

  "fileids": [
    {"id":"foo.txt", "path":"1/2/3/foo.txt", "hashtype":"md5", "hashsum":""},
    {"id":"bar.csv", "path":"1/2/3/bar.csv", "hashtype":"md5", "hashsum":""},
    {"id":"baz.ini", "path":"2/3/4/baz.ini", "hashtype":"md5", "hashsum":""}

Post the file to the following URL.

curl -X POST --upload-file /tmp/foo.json$MY_CART_UUID

Status a Cart

Head on the cart to find whether its created and ready for download.


Will receive headers back with the specific data needed. These are:

‘X-Pacifica-Status’ ‘X-Pacifica-Message’

Message will be blank if there is no error. The list of possible status:

If the cart is waiting to be processed and there is no current state. “X-Pacifica-Status”: “waiting”

If the cart is being processed and waiting for files to be staged locally. “X-Pacifica-Status”: “staging”

If the cart has the files locally and is currently creating the tarfile. “X-Pacifica-Status”: “bundling”

If the cart is finally ready for download. “X-Pacifica-Status”: “ready”

If the cart has an error (such as no space available to create the tarfile). “X-Pacifica-Status”: “error” “X-Pacifica-Message”: “No Space Available”

Get a cart

To download the tarfile for the cart.


In the above url my_cart.tar can be any file name of your choice
If no filename parameter is present you will get back data_date.tar in the form data_YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS.tar

To save to file

curl -O -J$MY_CART_UUID?filename=my_cart.tar

-O says to save to a file, and -J says to use the Content-Disposition file name the server is trying to send back

Once this finishes there will be a tar file named my_cart.tar
Untar by:

tar xf my_cart.tar

Delete a Cart

Delete a created cart.


Data returned should be json telling you status of cart deletion.

Admin Commands

There is some interfaces to the internals of the carts via the admin command line interface pacifica-cartd-cmd.

Database Management

The command line interface has a couple of database management commands to verify the state of the database and whether it needs updating.

To check the current state of the database, run the following:

pacifica-cartd-cmd dbchk
echo $?

To update the database to the current version, run the following:

pacifica-cartd-cmd dbsync
echo $?

If either of these commands fail you may have issues connecting to the database configured. Be sure you are using the right configuration files for connecting to your database.

Rebuild or Fix a Cart

Sometimes carts will fail to build, build partially, or maybe you just want to handle cart building out of band. The command line interface has a way to do this.

pacifica-cartd-cmd fixit --cartid $MY_CART_UUID