Source code for pacifica.cartd.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Module that has the utility functionality for the cart."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import json
import datetime
import errno
import tarfile
from math import floor
import shutil
import psutil
import six
from peewee import DoesNotExist
from .orm import Cart, File
from .config import get_config

# pylint: disable=invalid-name
int_type = six.integer_types[-1]
# pylint: enable=invalid-name

[docs]def parse_size(size): """Parse size string to integer.""" units = { 'B': 1, 'KB': 10**3, 'MB': 10**6, 'GB': 10**9, 'TB': 10**12, 'b': 1, 'Kb': 1024, 'Mb': 1024**2, 'Gb': 1024**3, 'Tb': 1024**4 } number, unit = [string.strip() for string in size.split()] return int_type(float(number)*units[unit])
[docs]class Cartutils(object): """Class used to provide utility functions for the cart to use."""
[docs] def __init__(self): """Default constructor setting environment variable defaults.""" self._vol_path = get_config().get('cartd', 'volume_path') self._lru_buff = get_config().get('cartd', 'lru_buffer_time')
########################################################################### # # Helper methods for handling cart path creation # ###########################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def fix_absolute_path(filepath): """Remove / from front of path.""" if os.path.isabs(filepath): filepath = filepath[1:] return filepath
[docs] @staticmethod def create_bundle_directories(filepath): """Create all the directories in the given path if they do not already exist.""" try: os.makedirs(filepath, 0o777) except OSError as exception: # dont worry about error if the directory already exists # other errors are a problem however so push them up if exception.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise exception
[docs] @classmethod def create_download_path(cls, cart_file, mycart, abs_cart_file_path): """Create the directories that the file will be pulled to.""" try: cart_file_dirs = os.path.dirname(abs_cart_file_path) cls.create_bundle_directories(cart_file_dirs) except OSError as ex: cart_file.status = 'error' cart_file.error = 'Failed directory create with error: ' + str(ex) mycart.updated_date = return False return True
########################################################################### # # Helper methods that determine space available/size # needed for the cart and files # ###########################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def check_file_size_needed(response, cart_file, mycart): """Check response (should be from Archive Interface head request) for file size.""" try: decoded = json.loads(response) filesize = decoded['filesize'] return int_type(filesize) except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as ex: cart_file.status = 'error' cart_file.error = """Failed to decode file size json with error: """ + str(ex) + """ Response received from the Archive is: """ + str(response) mycart.updated_date = return -1
[docs] def check_space_requirements(self, cart_file, mycart, size_needed, deleted_flag): """ Check to make sure there is enough space available on disk for the file to be downloaded. Note it will recursively call itself if there isnt enough space. It will delete a cart first, then call itself until either there is enough space or there is no carts to delete """ try: # available space is in bytes available_space = int_type(psutil.disk_usage(self._vol_path).free) except psutil.Error as ex: cart_file.status = 'error' cart_file.error = """Failed to get available file space with error: """ + str(ex) mycart.updated_date = return False if size_needed > available_space: if deleted_flag: cart_deleted = self.lru_cart_delete(mycart) return self.check_space_requirements(cart_file, mycart, size_needed, cart_deleted) cart_file.status = 'error' cart_file.error = 'Not enough space to download file' mycart.updated_date = return False # there is enough space so return true return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_path_size(cls, source): """Return the size of a specific directory, including all subdirectories and files.""" total_size = os.path.getsize(source) for item in os.listdir(source): itempath = os.path.join(source, item) if os.path.isfile(itempath): total_size += os.path.getsize(itempath) elif os.path.isdir(itempath): total_size += cls.get_path_size(itempath) return total_size
########################################################################### # # Helper methods that parse the Archive Interface Responses # ###########################################################################
[docs] def check_file_ready_pull(self, response, cart_file, mycart): """ Check file ready state. Check response (should be from Archive Interface head request) for bytes per level then returns True or False based on if the file is at level 1 (downloadable) """ size_needed = self.check_file_size_needed(response, cart_file, mycart) mod_time = self.check_file_modified_time(response, cart_file, mycart) try: decoded = json.loads(response) media = decoded['file_storage_media'] if media == 'disk': return self.check_status_details(mycart, cart_file, size_needed, mod_time) return False except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as ex: cart_file.status = 'error' cart_file.error = """Failed to decode json for file status with error: """ + str(ex) + """ Response received from the Archive is: """ + str(response) mycart.updated_date = return -1
[docs] def check_status_details(self, mycart, cart_file, size_needed, mod_time): """ Check to see if status response is correct. Data from the status response is all correct and ready to for the file to be pulled. """ # Return from function if the values couldnt be parsed (-1 return) if size_needed < 0 or mod_time < 0: return -1 # set up saving path and return dictionary abs_cart_file_path = os.path.join( self._vol_path, str(, mycart.cart_uid, cart_file.bundle_path) path_created = self.create_download_path( cart_file, mycart, abs_cart_file_path) # Check size here and make sure enough space is available. enough_space = self.check_space_requirements( cart_file, mycart, size_needed, True) if path_created and enough_space: return {'modtime': mod_time, 'filepath': abs_cart_file_path, 'path_created': path_created, 'enough_space': enough_space} return -1
[docs] @staticmethod def check_file_modified_time(response, cart_file, mycart): """ Check response for file modified time. Should be from Archive Interface head request """ try: decoded = json.loads(response) mod_time = floor(float(decoded['mtime'])) return mod_time except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError) as ex: cart_file.status = 'error' cart_file.error = """Failed to decode file mtime json with error: """ + str(ex) + """ Response received from the Archive is: """ + str(response) mycart.updated_date = return -1
########################################################################### # # Helper methods used to delete carts # ###########################################################################
[docs] def remove_cart(self, uid): """ Call when a DELETE request comes in. Verifies there is a cart to delete then removes it. """ deleted_flag = True iterator = 0 # used to verify at least one cart deleted carts = (Cart .select() .where( (Cart.cart_uid == str(uid)) & (Cart.deleted_date.is_null(True)))) for cart in carts: iterator += 1 success = self.delete_cart_bundle(cart) if not success: deleted_flag = False if deleted_flag and iterator > 0: return 'Cart Deleted Successfully' elif deleted_flag: return False # already deleted return None # unknown error
[docs] def delete_cart_bundle(self, cart): """ Get the path to where a carts file are. Also attempt to delete the file tree. """ try: path_to_files = os.path.join(self._vol_path, str( shutil.rmtree(path_to_files) cart.status = 'deleted' cart.deleted_date = return True except OSError: return False
[docs] def lru_cart_delete(self, mycart): """ Delete the least recently used cart that isnt this one. Only delete one cart per call. """ try: lru_time = - datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(self._lru_buff)) del_cart = (Cart .select() .where( ( != & (Cart.deleted_date.is_null(True)) & (Cart.updated_date < lru_time)) .order_by(Cart.creation_date) .get()) return self.delete_cart_bundle(del_cart) except DoesNotExist: # case if no cart exists that can be deleted return False
########################################################################### # # Cart Interface helpers for returning status/download paths # ###########################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def cart_status(uid): """Get the status of a specified cart.""" status = None try: mycart = (Cart .select() .where( (Cart.cart_uid == str(uid)) & (Cart.deleted_date.is_null(True))) .order_by(Cart.creation_date.desc()) .get()) except DoesNotExist: # case if no record exists yet in database mycart = None status = ['error', 'No cart with uid ' + uid + ' found'] if mycart: # send the status and any available error text status = [mycart.status, mycart.error] return status
[docs] @staticmethod def available_cart(uid): """ Check if the asked for cart tar is available. Returns the path to tar if yes, false if not. None if no cart. """ cart_bundle_path = False try: mycart = (Cart .select() .where( (Cart.cart_uid == str(uid)) & (Cart.deleted_date.is_null(True))) .order_by(Cart.creation_date.desc()) .get()) except DoesNotExist: # case if no record exists yet in database mycart = None cart_bundle_path = None if mycart and mycart.status == 'ready': cart_bundle_path = mycart.bundle_path return cart_bundle_path
########################################################################### # # Helpers that update a carts files and a cart/file error # ###########################################################################
[docs] @staticmethod def set_file_status(cart_file, cart, status, error): """Set the status and/or error for a cart.""" cart_file.status = str(status) if error: cart_file.error = str(error) cart.updated_date =
[docs] @classmethod def update_cart_files(cls, cart, file_ids): """Update the files associated to a cart.""" with Cart.atomic(): for f_id in file_ids: try: filepath = cls.fix_absolute_path(f_id['path']) hashtype = f_id['hashtype'] hashval = f_id['hashsum'] File.create(cart=cart, file_name=f_id['id'], bundle_path=filepath, hash_type=hashtype, hash_value=hashval) cart.updated_date = except (NameError, KeyError) as ex: return ex # return error so that the cart can be updated return None
[docs] def prepare_bundle(self, cartid): """ Check to see if all the files are staged locally. Before calling the bundling action. If not will call itself to continue the waiting process """ bundle_flag = True for c_file in == cartid): if c_file.status == 'error': # error pulling file so set cart error and return try: mycart = Cart.get( == cartid) mycart.status = 'error' mycart.error = 'Failed to pull file({})'.format( c_file.error) mycart.updated_date = Cart.database_close() return except DoesNotExist: # pragma: no cover # case if record no longer exists # creating this case in unit testing requires deletion and creation # occuring nearly simultaneously, as such cant create unit test Cart.database_close() return elif c_file.status != 'staged': bundle_flag = False if bundle_flag: self.create_symlink(cartid) self.tar_files(cartid)
[docs] def tar_files(self, cartid): """ Start to bundle all the files together. The option to do streaming download or not is based on a system configuration. """ try: mycart = Cart.get( == cartid) bundle_path = os.path.join( self._vol_path, str(, mycart.cart_uid ) if mycart.bundle: bundle_tar = '{}.tar'.format(bundle_path) cart_tar = bundle_tar, mode='w' ) cart_tar.add( bundle_path, arcname=os.path.basename(bundle_path)) cart_tar.close() shutil.rmtree(bundle_path) bundle_path = bundle_tar mycart.status = 'ready' mycart.bundle_path = bundle_path mycart.updated_date = except DoesNotExist: # case if record no longer exists Cart.database_close()